Tie – Conclusion And Free Gift

The previous blog post summarized the last “proper” Chapter of The Iceberg Effect book, Chapter 11 – “The Ultimate Funnel”. The chapter divides “The Ultimate Funnel” into 5 stages. Lead Capture, Customer Acquisition, Value Maximization, Recurring Revenue, and Premium Products. The chapter pulls together everything that has been taught in previous chapters and makes sense of it all.

Now here’s the conclusion that all wannabe Affiliate Marketers should arrive at after reading this series of blog posts.

There are a couple of pages after the end of Chapter 11 under the heading “Conclusion And Free Gift”. The free gift is a 2-hour long information video by Dean Holland the C.E.O. of Internet Profits and writer of The Iceberg Effect. The video is accessed via a U.R.L. published at the end of these few pages. For obvious reasons, I am not going to reveal it here.

Dean’s conclusion is that while, as explained in Chapter 6, traditional Affiliate Marketing is no longer profitable it can be made so again by using an “Ultimate Funnel”. The main requirement of an ultimate funnel is, that after they offer a lowly priced front-end product, they must go on to offer more highly priced compatible offers, whether they be offered in the front-end of the business as upsells at the time of the initial sale or as premium products in the back-end of the business after a follow-up series of emails and a telephone call.

It is also important that, especially if the marketer, as most will be, are in the “Connector Phase” the Product Owner offers the Affiliate Marketer a reasonable rate of commission on all products for sale along the entire funnel, even if the Product Owner is responsible for closing the sale of a premium product.

It is important that you, the Affiliate Marketer, always remember that you are in business not to simply make sales, but to do so profitably.

Nowadays it is difficult to find a product owner who offers commissions on all products in their funnel, never mind one who also has a training scheme. One ethical mentor who does offer both a training scheme that is always kept up-to-date, and commissions on all sales, is Dean Holland, the C.E.O. of Internet Profits. All is explained in the video given away to everybody who acquires The Iceberg Effect.

Remember, the physical Iceberg Effect book is 163 pages long, so my series of 16 shortish blogs, including this one, will not have included all of the tidbits of information, included in the book. In addition, I have added a few tidbits of information into my blog posts that are not in the book. So if you now acquire the book, you will have the best of both worlds. You will have the book for constant reference, and my series of blogs, all of which can be accessed via “The Blog Menu Page – The Iceberg Effect” in the top menu of every page of “https://philsaffilateclub.com, where you are now.

The most common question I have been asked in the past is “If The Iceberg Effect book is so great, why is it free, and why is the postage and packing contribution so low at $7.96? Unless I live close to one of the two distribution centers surely that small contribution will not cover the actual cost.

Now that you understand exactly what comprises an ultimate funnel you will know that “The Iceberg Effect” is a front-end offer and after you access the physical book there will be further offers that will be made to you. However, you can be assured that all offers made to you in the future will be very beneficial to your quest to run a profitable Affiliate Marketing business and will be great value for money, no matter how much they cost. Yes, Dean loses money every time he, or one of his affiliates like me “sell” a book. He even gives us affiliates a nominal $1 for every book we “sell”.

So, you may ask me. Are you doing all this work writing all these blog posts and emails to earn $1? And, do you think that I am stupid enough to do the same?

The answer to both questions, is of course, “no”. I will earn at least a 50% commission on all products that everybody I manage to introduce to “The Ultimate Funnel” by “selling” “The Iceberg Effect” purchases in the future.

“Apart from this great FREE book that I can acquire for only a P & H part-payment of $7.96 is there anything else that Dean or Phil will give me to join their funnel?” I hear you ask. Of course there is. Try these for size.


  • The total cost of the book to your door, wherever you live in the world, is only $7.96. Alternatively, you could purchase the book from Amazon for $9.07 plus a $26.72 delivery charge.
  • You will immediately receive a free audio version of The Iceberg Effect which you can listen to while you wait for the physical book to be delivered, valued at $29.95.
  • You get the U.R.L. that will give you access to The Iceberg Effect Masterclass, valued at $97.
  • There will be 7 days of surprises emailed, one per day, to your email inbox. Value unknown.


If you ever join Dean’s “Accelerator Program” he will give you, and advise you strongly to use a “Daily Tacker Sheet”. However, one of the few things in life that I feel that I am superior to Dean in, (as well as golf, before I had a minor stroke) is the use of spreadsheets, and I believe the one I created to track clicks, leads, sales, and costs is better than his, and I will give a free copy to everybody who accesses The Iceberg Effect through my link as long as they have never bought anything else from Dean in the past.

Have I convinced you to part with $7.96 of your hard-earned money yet?

Your conclusion has to be that you have to click the link below or the green advert at the bottom of the right sidebar. (It may be underneath if you are using your smartphone). You will land on a comprehensive sales page starting with videos by both Dean and Russell Brunsen. If you are presently undecided, I’m sure Dean and Russell will convince you that the answer must be “yes”. Before you decide, remember my gift of a superior Daily Tacker Sheet. The sales page does not mention that.

Yes, I Am Interested In Acquiring The Iceberg Effect Free Physical Book



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