Now here’s a summary of the third part of Chapter 5 – “The Four Core Areas Of Focus” – Follow Up.
Very few people will buy from a link in the first email you send to them. In fact, the main purpose of the first series of emails you send to a new subscriber should be to build up their trust in you. To get him or her to know, like, and, eventually trust you, rather than to buy anything from you. Would you be more likely to buy something recommended by a trusted friend or by a complete stranger? Exactly, the trusted friend. Remember, you are a complete stranger to everybody who has just joined your email list, so it is your first job to build up a relationship with new subscribers before you attempt to sell anything to them.
Remember that behind every name on your list is a real living person. People who have just “met” you will soon forget you unless you regularly contact them. This is why Dean recommends that you have a pre-written series of at least 7 emails that are sent, one per day, to all of your new subscribers.
Dean then describes one example of an email sequence available to you to form your opening seven-day sequence. I won’t go into details of Dean’s suggested example here, but it’s in The Iceberg Effect book, which I strongly recommend you acquire, if you have not already done so. However, you must include a link in the first, and possibly second email, so that your new subscriber can access the free gift you offered initially.
In my opinion, Dean’s suggested emails concentrate a little too much on plugging his book at this early stage of building a report with his new subscribers, but who am I to argue? He’s the millionaire, not me. He finishes this part of Chapter 5 by correctly stating that the flow of emails to your list must never end, although the regularity could be reduced from daily. These emails must continue to offer a combination of valuable information and helpful, cost-effective offers.