How Hard Are You Prepared To Persevere To Succeed As An Internet Marketer?

It does not matter what stage you are currently at in your quest to become a successful Internet Marketer, one of the most important traits that you MUST have is perseverance. You WILL come across many many problems that, when they pop up unexpectedly, appear at first to be completely insurmountable. However, by using all the aids you will surround yourself with, you will be able to persevere and overcome whatever has appeared in your way.

How can I be so sure that every problem can be overcome? Simply because many millionaires in the world have made their fortunes by utilizing Internet Marketing. If there were any insurmountable problems, there would be no great successes. Whether it’s seeking your mentor’s help, contacting a help-desk, watching YouTube videos, or, in the LAST resort, changing your strategy, you WILL find the solution to your problem. All you need to have is perseverance. If you don’t have that trait, you won’t succeed at Internet Marketing

Here’s a little story that, after I was told all of the details, I knew that I possessed all of the perseverance characteristics necessary to succeed at almost anything I chose to concentrate on, including Internet Marketing.

It was the 7th of September 1950, when I came into this world in a small hospital near Glasgow, Scotland. However, there was a lot of difficulty surrounding the birth. I don’t know the precise details, but forceps had to be used, which irreparably damaged parts of my brain. Luckily, in a way, the damage was to those brain cells that controlled my physical movements. My mental abilities were not affected.

“I’m sorry,” the doctor whispered to my mother, “but it would be better if you didn’t expect him to be alive in the morning.”

However, even though I was only a few hours old, something inside the undamaged part of my brain told me that I wanted to live, and I had to struggle all the way to do so. I had been born with the determination, the perseverance, to survive. To everybody’s surprise, especially the medical and nursing staff involved, I was still alive in the morning, the next morning, a week later, and now, almost a normal lifespan later I am still here.

Life, in general, has always been a struggle for me, but I never gave up, and I’ve achieved some great things. My current struggle is probably similar to yours. That is, becoming a successful Internet or Affiliate Marketer. It’s not easy, but as I have been doing since the day I was born, I’m never going to give up, and I hope you never think of giving up either.

I hope that this, and future blog posts, will help build up your self-confidence, as well as your skills and knowledge to enable you to succeed as an Internet Marketer. Just keep this fact in your mind as you struggle along your journey. – “If Phil, with his disabilities, can persevere through his problems and succeed, I can persevere through mine and succeed as well.”

I hope you’ll continue to follow my progress through life. It bears some striking similarities to mastering Internet or Affiliate Marketing, so, hopefully, I can help you to persevere and overcome the problems that you WILL encounter.

I. and, I’m sure all of my other followers and club members would be very interested to read any thoughts you may have after reading this blog post. Please comment in the appropriate section below. If your comment contains a question of any kind, you can be assured that I will answer it, even if I need to seek the assistance of my mentor to do so.



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22 thoughts on “How Hard Are You Prepared To Persevere To Succeed As An Internet Marketer?”

  1. Hi Phil
    A very open and honest post and I fully share in the one of the most import ingredients of perseverance.
    WIth the help and support from the team and a good mentor, there should be no stopping us

    1. Thank you, Tim, interestingly the importance of having a good mentor is going to be the main subject of my next post.

  2. Hi, Phil! Wow! I love your story of persistence. You know you can live when everything is against you, so dyou can definitely succeed in affiliate marketing. Do you know this quote? President FDR wrote, “If you have spent two years in bed trying to wiggle your big toe, everything else seems easy.”

    You must have great confidence. I am looking forward to gaining some of that confidence from reading your blog.

    In fact, I’m going to consider what past experiences I have that I can use to build my confidence.

    I’ve really enjoyed your post!

    1. Thank you, Nakina,

      There are many other posts that I have written comparing my obstacles in life to obstacles I have faced in the Affiliate Marketing world. However, Glenn has pointed out that they are too “me” orientated and need to be about the reader first and me second. So, I will be amending them over the next few months, and, hopefully, you will learn more from my story, as they are published.


    1. Thank you, Alan,

      If you are confident that your chosen strategy is the best one for you, then, being absolutely certain that there is no solution to a problem that you have encountered, can be the ONLY reason why you should change that strategy.

  3. Tim,

    It does take perseverance to succeed at anything in life and online marketing is no different. It defiantly has it struggles. The good new is that if one perseveres they can learn the skills need to succeed.

    I know you will succeed just keep that attitude and you are well on your way.

  4. Phil,
    Your story is very touching. You most certainly have overcome a lot, and your perseverance has paid off. I have no doubt it will in your online journey as well! I look forward to more posts from you! Here’s to much success!

    1. Thank you, Kelli,

      There are many other posts that I have written comparing my obstacles in life to obstacles I have faced in the Affiliate Marketing world. However, Glenn has pointed out that they are too “me” orientated and need to be about the reader first and me second. So, I will be amending them over the next few months, and, hopefully, you will learn more from my story, as they are published.


    1. Thank you, Karen,

      I’m very busy setting up my Affiliate System at the moment, and my one remaining accountancy client has just dumped a whole load of work on me, so my next blog will be delayed until, possibly the week after next. I will try to comment on your latest blog tomorrow.



  5. Phil, I think the word everyone’s picked up on his perseverance. All of us have stuff in our lives that knocks us for six, but we persevere. We will have things that go wrong in our lives, but we persevere. You’ve certainly had your share too, but you’re still persevering. I thank you for your openness and honesty in this blog and I look forward to your next one. . Thanks, Atif
    Atif Perwiz recently posted…The Iceberg effect – what we see is often only a fraction of what it really isMy Profile

    1. Thank you Atif,

      It’s been clear to me, taking into account your frequent presence in the Facebook group and other places that you have all the perseverance that is needed for you to succeed. Just make sure you continue to remain consistent over the weeks, months, and years,


  6. Hi Phil, Wow! You were a born fighter! This was a very encouraging and humbling post laying all that’s required to succeed at internet marketing out in such an honest way. Thank you for your story and encouraging words. I look forward to seeing you surmount the affiliate marketing obstacle course!

    1. Thank you, Sharel,

      I’m very busy setting up my Affiliate System at the moment, and my one remaining accountancy client has just dumped a whole load of work on me, so my next blog will be delayed until, possibly the week after next. I will try to comment on your latest blog later.



  7. Hi Phil,
    An amazing life of perseverance you have lived and no doubt you will also persevere in business!
    Thank you for being so open and honest, it is empowering to us! Look forward to your future posts!


    1. Thanks, Denny,

      I’ve just managed to complete week five’s tasks, and, with only one little bit of help from Chris, I’ve got it all to work. Those tasks took a lot of perseverance, and, I hope you and all the other members of his unique group were able to or will persevere enough to get your and their “opt-in” funnel up and running as I have been able to do.

  8. Phil,

    Mindset and perseverance go hand in hand. The saying is you can’t have one without the other. These 2 things are critical if an individual wants to succeed in anything in life. The journey is going to have bumps and sometimes potholes along the way. However, ones mindset aids one in persevering through good as well as the rough times.

    The say goes that which doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger.

    1. CJ,

      “Mindset” is a great word. I hope you don’t mind if I “steal” it and it ends up in one of my future posts.


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